Saturday, October 11, 2008


I want a girl that will support my music.
And jii like be my #1 fan off some non-conceited-ish.
But they NEVER seem to like my music.
Because I put it over them.
Well..that's just how it is.
I'm sorry.
When someone learns how to deal with my love for this rap shit.
Lemme know.
District Of Caylumbia II coming soon bitches..


superduperkya said...

move to ny then... whats good ;] ?

Cayan said...

lemme start searching for apartments

Anonymous said...

dude...i had that problem for the LONGEST

Unknown said...

So Fucking Hurt.

FreeHundreds said...

damn son
what happened to US??????

Anonymous said...

I picked up your mixtape a while back.
I guess I'm a girl that likes your music.