Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Syce Game.

The album process is coming along great. When I said I'd take my time, I meant it. I'm kind of balancing music and school at the same time, so it helps to not rush anyways. District of Caylumbia 2 doesn't mean Volume 2 anymore. More like the first one TIMES 2. Patience is a virtue. I'm reminded of that everytime I listen to these songs and want to put em out. But there's much more that has to go into it. Promoting, mixing, timing. Hell, I might even find some more songs to go on it.

Mouse's mixtape was dope. It was one 2dopeboyz. First official DMG projec of 09. And all of them will be EPIC, believe me. I've been waiting for him too drop a tape for almost a year, and I wasn't disappointed at all.

Ego is coming too. WWW.WHYNOTNANDO.BLOGSPOT.COM. But anyways, like I was telling him the other night, Nando always improves each project he does. And he sent me some exclusive stuff that will be on it. Let's just say DOPAGE!

Lyriciss's Voice of the Metro is scheduled for a near release date. He's been putting in a lot of work in the studio and brought an old hip-hop vibe back to DMV rap. VOTM=MORE DOPE THAN THE HOPE.

Kendall..well, when he gets in the studio we'll see. Lol whaddup brother?


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